Josepha Sherman

"What I love most about Star Trek is the constant sense of optimism: That there will be a future, and that it will be, with all its troubles, a much brighter future. Star Trek never stooped to downright preaching (or hardly never), yet it has shown us a universe where humanity includes all humankind, sentient and morality can be found in any shape or color--and yet Star Trek never forgets, underneath it all, that "Senzawunda" that drives us all to the genre, and will drive us on, eventually, to our own star treks.

"It's a great deal of fun writing in the Star Trek universe, especially when we were given the chance to work with Spock as the main character--he, with all his intricate makeup and mindset--and in VULCAN'S FORGE" and VULCAN'S HEART, and the forthcoming VULCAN'S SOUL--to develop Strange New Worlds and New Civilizations!"

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