Excerpt from "The Song of Kahless"
Book 25 "The Twilight of the Gods"
Section 14 "The Triumph of the Eternal Man"

Submitted by Jbfiawol@cs.com

It has been previousely stated that the Klingons slew their gods as being more trouble than their worth. Here is a fragment of this story. It was created for a Star Trek E-RPG called Shadow Ops. Shadow Ops was created and GM'd by Gary Gould. Fragment created by Avatar for Another.

This is a fragment of a Klingon Song describing how Kahless the Unforgetable Slew the Gods of old...It deals primarily with the destruction of Fek'lhr's power.

And it came to pass that after a battle that raged for 9 days through all nine levels of Sto-Vor-Kor Kahless The Unforgetable did slay Mo'Chugh, the king of the gods.

Kahless, being mindfull of the balance that even the Gods must obey was given an impossible choice. Should he let the imbalance continue and eventually destroy the universe or become the new King of the Gods.

And Kahless was sorely tempted To take the Haf'leth known as 'Chained Lightening', the greatest weapon forged by the gods, if he would become King of the Gods.

And Kahless was sorely tempted by the beauty and fighting spirit of the queen of the gods who would now be his if he would become King of the Gods.

And Kahless was sorely tempted when Tsu'Mo showed Kahless all the lands and people and wonders that would be his to command if he would become King of the Gods.

Kahless meditated for nine days on each of the 9 levels of Sto-Vor-Kor before giving his answer.

For 9 days he fasted to improve his meditations.

For 9 days he drank nothing but the cool clear water from the 9 springs of Com'Tse'Vu.

For 9 days he ate nothing but the flesh of the sacred Targ Reash'Nok whom he killed every day with his bare hands.

In a final attempt to achieve the enlightenment he needed Kahless descended to the lava caves of No'Mat. There he meditated for nine days and from that the Rite of MajQa was born.

And it came to pass that on his vision quest he was shown many things. The greatest of these was the mighty Klingon people triumphant and looking into the rising sun. Above them was a cloudless sky and below them was a dark cave. In front of the cave was a blood stain.

With this vision Kahless knew what he had to do. In order to restore the balance of the all, Fek'lhr must die.

This would herald the twilight of the gods.

Making his choice Kahless descended from Sto-Vor-Kor to slay the guardian of the dishonored dead, Fek'lhr.

In a 9 day journey Kahless faced many trials but with qeylIS betleH he perserveered and finally reached his destiny. Gre'thor. The Underworld. Dwelling of the dishonored dead.

Gre'thor is cold. A terrible cold that burns the soul for all eternity. It is the cold of a soul without honor. It is the cold of a soul without a family. It is the cold of a soul without a name.

Fek'lhr, 'He who has dominon over lost souls', came to the entrance of Gre'thor to meet Kahless.

For he fealt the death of his brother Mo'Chugh and he knew that the long afternoon of the gods had reached it's twilight and that eternal night was fast approaching.

"The Eternal Man has come at last, bringing nightfall in his wake. As it was destined to be. Know this Kahless, before we battle, that nothing truely dies."

"Know this Fek'lhr, before we battle, each day we live is another day we die therefore Today Is A Good Day To Die."

For 9 days the battle raged in the mouth of Gre'thor.

It is only because Kahless fasted for 9 days that he lasted so long.

It is only because Kahless drank nothing but the cool clear water from the 9 springs of Com'Tse'Vu for 9 days that he lasted so long.

It is only because Kahless he ate nothing but the flesh of the sacred Targ Reash'Nok whom he killed every day with his bare hands for 9 days that he lasted so long.

It is only because Kahless descended to the lava caves of No'Mat for 9 days that he lasted so long.

And on the 9th day Fek'lhr grieviously wounded Kahless. A bite to his shoulder that would have surely frozen any other's soul. Kahless was badly wounded and Fek'lhr did speak.

He offered unspeakable enticements if only Kahless would consent to be the King of the gods.

He promised unspeakable unending misery for his soul if Kahless would not consent to be the King of the gods.

Kayless knew Fek'lhr did not wish to pass on into the Eternal Night.

Kayless knew his promises were false.

Kayless knew his threats were empty.

And Kahless spoke.

"A Klingon's honor is his shield."

"A Klingon's honor is his one true companion."

"A Klingon's honor is his greatest weapon."

And Fek'lhr was humbled before him.

Seizing the moment Kahless did throw his Daqtagh and grieviousely wounded Fek'lhr in his shoulder.

9 times did Kahless strike Fek'lhr with his fist.

9 times did Kahless strike Fek'lhr with his Bat'leth.

9 times did Kahless strike the Daqtagh, pushing it closer to Fek'lhr's heart.

And as his arm descended to smite Fek'lhr with the Bat'leth for the final time Kayless said.

"Today Is A Good Day To Die."

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