"I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will to. You have won the Bronze Award!"
Awarded 9803.
"I have great Pleasure in awarding you my award for excellence, you have a site that you have given a great deal of thought to."
Awarded 9803.
"I just want to tell you that you have one awesome Star Trek page! I thoroughly enjoyed it!!!"
Awarded 9803.
"Find out how your site can be named an Official Bottom 95% Site!"
Awarded 9803.
"Congratulations! Your site was selected as a Tail Wagging Site of the Week!! You've done a wonderful job, and created a very interesting site."
Awarded 9803.
"CONGRATULATIONS !! YOU HAVE WON KJEM'S Most Treasured Site AWARD !! On the basis of content, artistic originality and usefulness to the internet community."
Awarded 9803.
Awarded 9803.
"Congratulations! Your homepage meets definitivly the criterions for a Prime Navigator Site."
Awarded 9803.
"I have reviewed your site and it does qualify for my award of excellence. Congratulations!! You have a great site and you have worked very hard and it shows."
Awarded 9803.
"Having taken a look at your web page and I feel that you are worthy of the bunny award! :)"